
As a direct marketing and promotion tool, live short video on Douyin has become the best choice to connect and communicate with merchants and users directly. So how to use Douyin to achieve delicate promotion strategies? Let’s have a look!
First of all, determine the target customer group. For different products and services, the appropriate target customer group is the foundation for formulating delicate promotion strategies. And the release of video live broadcast on Douyin platform can spread instantly and reach a large number of target customer groups. For different target customer groups, we need to formulate different promotion programs and corresponding interactive activities to better attract the attention of target customer groups and achieve promotional effects.
Secondly, make a clear promotion plan. The duration of short video live broadcast on Douyin platform is 15 seconds. In such a short time, if we want to attract the attention of audiences, we must be clear and direct. Determine the clear and direct promotion purpose, formulate the specific promotion plan, and make the target customer group instantly know what product or service it is, and where the product or service price advantage is. Only in this way can we achieve better promotion effect.
Finally, pay attention to interaction. Interaction is essential on Douyin video live broadcast platform. During the live broadcast, audiences will definitely have some questions or interests. If there is no timely interaction to guide and answer, audiences will easily lose interest or even transfer attention. Therefore, for the promotion of Douyin video live broadcast, interaction is very important. Only by paying attention to interaction can we better attract the attention of audiences and achieve the purpose of promotion.
To sum up, if you want to use Douyin to achieve delicate promotion strategies, you should first determine the target customer group, followed by making a clear promotion plan, and finally pay attention to interaction. Only in this way can we better achieve the purpose of promotion.


上一篇 2023年3月9日
下一篇 2023年3月10日


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